Well, after a lower-than-average response over at Twitter and DA, I was not expecting much of a response here, but WOW! The Newgrounds folk really like their Calvin-and-Hobbes-style Friday Night Funkin' stuff! I'll have to remember that! Also, hello to all new people following me! There's a wide variety of stuff here, and it's not all like the piece that brought you here, but hopefully you'll like at least some of the other things I make. Take a look around!
I keep saying I'll take a break after I respond to everyone, but that little bell just keeps going OFF!
Also, it's already in my bio, but I think it bears repeating - I draw a lot of PicoXBF stuff. None of it is explicit, but well, it is here, so if that's something you don't wanna see, be careful. I wish I had a better way to label it other than listing pairings in the title. I guess I should start doing that, but I hate how messy it looks. Anyway, sorry to the guy that I blindsided. I'm sorry that you had to see winter-scarf shibari, even as a joke. At least everyone had their clothes on. -_- ;;
EDIT: Holy shit, I got FRONTPAGED?! No wonder my traffic picked up! How did that even happen?? Who did that????