I'm starting to feel weird about this place - I don't hate it! I'm not leaving! Nothing like that! I've just become more self-conscious about what I put here, which I guess is amplified by that upgrade I got last month. I've been throwing weird crap up on Twitter that, for some reason, I feel like I can't repost here. Maybe I figure it's not good enough? Or maybe it's because it's stuff unique to the Twitter ecosystem? My account here so far has the slowest growth, which makes sense - it's the highest-level platform with the most discerning viewers. Still, the sense of judgement is chronically unsettling; is that just me?
I suppose I should look on the bright side - I'm hoping to start something larger, and serial, in the coming weeks, and I figure it'll probably do better here than anywhere else. Twitter probably wouldn't have the attention span for it and favors the simpler stuff anyway, while DeviantArt yields comments like "DRAW GIRLFREND'S BOOBS."