This is just great. It's also making me curious as to what a hindview of Visage in this style would look like, all with the pile of kids inside.
This is just great. It's also making me curious as to what a hindview of Visage in this style would look like, all with the pile of kids inside.
So pretty and peaceful.
When I look at your Weasel, I get an inkling of what it might look like if painter Francisco Goya had attempted cartoons!
Each scene suits each one well, but I particularly like the slightly trashy quaintness of Pico lighting his cig on an iron. :)
Not normally a Senpai fan, but I'll be damned if this didn't turn out just lovely!
"My kitty cat hisses a lot, and he smells funny, but I still love him."
"Don't blame me, I voted for Kodos!"
I like this, because I can see Nyako just completely loving this role. I can also see Nyako just completely ignoring any actual map objectives in favor of exploring, shooting people randomly and just generally doing her own thing.
Goddamn that's pretty.
I really like this picture, but that door is just hitting me square in the eye. Its outline is so sharp and its shading is so nonexistent compared to everything else in the picture, it looks like it was pasted in from a totally different drawing.
Yes, that´s because it´s a still from an upcoming animation. The door is going to be animated.
I like to make Friday Night Funkin' fanart. I make a lot of PicoXBoyfriend stuff, but I'm trying to diversify. I also got a Twitter, and a DeviantArt account for some reason.
Nowhere in Particular
Joined on 8/25/21